πŸ—žοΈ Blogosphere Rundown

πŸ—žοΈ Blogosphere Rundown
A cartoon fox software developer reading a newspaper on a crowded subway with other cartoon animals / DALL-E

For better or worse, keeping up with software trends is an exercise of filtering through people's social media feeds and press releases. Here's what caught my eye throughout the last couple weeks or so from the developer blogosphere.

  • A well-written rundown of the main components of the SolidStart framework from Solid's Atila Fassina doesn't give as much insight as to using SolidStart as I was expecting, but it does give great insight into what goes into making a framework. Makes you realize how important things like Vite, Nitro, and Vinxi really are to this full-stack renaissance we're in. I'd go so far as to say they're more important than the view libraries that we tend to focus on.
  • I'm not sure Paul Scanlon's beer analogy for client-side hydration is perfect, but his run through on Qwik's resumability approach to hydration is still illuminating. I'm not a fan of the $ syntax that Qwik uses, but I now see it helps the compiler figure out how to just load the JavaScript you need when you need it, which is pretty neat. So maybe I'll shut up about the $. (Or maybe not πŸ˜….)
  • Ines Montani's guide to making beautiful slides isn't software-specific per se, but if I can contribute to one less tech talk with ugly slides then I can sleep soundly.
  • Yet another great Web Component rundown from Zach Leatherman, especially the highlights of the tradeoffs between each style of Web Component. The big takeaway is the blunt recognition that SSR isn't a first-class citizen quite yet for WCs.
  • A compelling argument that WCs and JavaScript frameworks can coexist in a happy world from Jake Lazaroff. Sounds good until I'm reminded that React - and thus all of the major meta-frameworks around it - still isn't fully supportive of WCs.
  • "In React 19, we’re also adding long-requested improvements which require breaking changes like support for Web Components." ~ The React team

Oh. Well nevermind then.

Homer disappearing after throwing a dated stray at React / Tenor
The title screen for Doom ... likely running on something it doesn't need to be running on / Tenor
Colby M White

Colby M White

A software developer with more than a decade of experience. Currently collaborating with the RedwoodJS team to add a AutoForm to its ecosystem.
Austin, TX